The most famous album by Nirvana 'Nevermind' (1991), recently banned appeared on the social networking site Facebook.
The prohibition was made because the baby pictures of naked pursuit of a dollar bill in the album cover is considered to have violated prevailing norms. Though the cover is already so well-known icons of this grunge band.
"Facebook does not allow a photo that can attack individuals or other groups or nudity, drugs, violence or other offenses that are not in accordance with the terms set by Facebook," the notice of Digital Spy Facebook that was launched on Friday (07/29/2011 ).
The images have been deleted from the official page on Facebook Nirvana's fanbase after his fanbase manager for uploading photos as a warning ahead of the anniversary of Nirvana's 20th on 27 September.
Spencer Elden is 20 years ago so the cover of the album Nevermind, instead stating that he was proud to be part of the history of rock music world.
"Many people in the world have seen my penis, I think it's so cool," says Elden.
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